creating purposeful content

Beyond Keywords: Discover the Power of Purposeful Content Creation

If you’ve been blogging for a while, you’re probably no stranger to spending a lot of time doing keyword research in the quest to find that perfect blend of high-volume, low-competition keywords. 

As an SEO, I’ve certainly spent a fair amount of hours on this. 🙂 

And there’s no better feeling than discovering those keyword gems that propel either my content or my clients’ pieces to the top of the search engine results pages (SERP). I love when clients send me DMs of their wins. 

So making sure that your content is optimized for search to give it the best chance to rank high is always going to be important. But mastering keywords and optimization is not the only thing you can do in order for  your content to do the work for you. 

There is another, even more powerful strategy that you can add to your creators toolkit (especially if you’re an introvert who prefers to not be showing up “live” all the time). 

It’s a strategy that not many blogging and content creator experts and guru’s talk about and even fewer implement it in their content. 

Yet, when you integrate this strategy with solid SEO practices (like keywords and page optimization), you don’t just attract readers – you captivate them. If you do this right, you give them reasons to delve deeper into your content and make them eager to stay in your world, transforming casual visitors into loyal fans, subscribers, and even potential customers.

What I’m talking about is Purposeful Content Creation.   

What is Purposeful Content Creation?

At its core, purposeful content creation is about crafting content with clear intention and direction. While the vast majority of content online might simply aim to inform or entertain, purposeful content goes a step further. 

It’s designed not just to grab attention but to lead the reader on a journey, guiding them towards a specific action or mindset shift.

Purposeful Content Creation consists of four main elements: 

It’s Intentional 

Every word, image, and element within your content serves a specific purpose. Whether that’s to educate, inspire, or persuade, there’s a deliberate choice behind it. It’s not content for the sake of content; it’s content with a mission.

It’s Strategic

Purposeful content is aligned with your broader business or personal goals. Whether you’re looking to increase email sign-ups, sell a product, or simply build a deeper relationship with your audience, each piece of content fits into a larger plan.

It’s Engaging 

This content doesn’t just talk at readers; it engages with them. It might ask questions, provoke thought, or invite feedback. The aim is to make the reader an active participant in the content, not just a passive consumer.

It’s Value-Driven

The best content provides immense value. Purposeful content ensures that every reader takes away something beneficial, whether it’s a new piece of knowledge, a fresh perspective, or a tangible tool or resource.

Why Should You Create Content that is Purposeful?

For many, content creation can feel like an endless treadmill. 

Especially now with AI tools like ChatGPT, Koala AI, etc. and with blogging “experts” claiming, “You need to publish 3-5 posts per week if you want to rank” (which isn’t true, by the way) or “Your site needs hundreds of blog posts before seeing any real monetary results” (also a myth).

With that kind of proclamations, it’s hardly surprising that many fall into the trap of sacrificing quality for quantity.

But when you create content that has a purpose, you can actually create less content.

Yes, you read that right.

Purposeful content allows you to maximize the impact of each content piece, so you need fewer of them to see results.

Because every blog post, video, or social media update you craft is done with precision and intention, and with a clear purpose, it works harder for you.

So instead of a voice lost in the cacophony of online content, your pieces stand out as beacons of originality and value. 

When every word and image is chosen with care, it’s evident to the reader. 

It feels authentic (because it is authentic). 

It makes the reader feel like you’re speaking directly to them (because you are).

And that can foster stronger connections and build trust, turning casual readers into loyal followers. 

But that’s not all it does. 

Purposeful content can lead to better SEO outcomes too because quality content often results in improved dwell time (visitors stay longer on your site), and higher engagement (visitors click on links scroll to read more) — all positive signals to search engines about the relevance and value of your content.

Why Purposeful Content Creation can be a gamechanger for introverts

You know that internal tug-of-war where on one side you feel you want or need to be online to help your people, while on the other hate the idea of constantly being online? (Yep, me too! 🙋🏼‍♀️)

When you create purposeful content, you don’t have to be online all the time.

By creating content that is authentic, intentional, value-adding, and written in a way as if you’re speaking to your people “live” (even when you aren’t), it means that your content continues to engage, inspire, and convert even when you’re offline or in a ‘hermit mode’ period.

How Purposeful Content is structured

The key element of content with a purpose it’s not just a stand-alone piece. 

Yes, each piece provides complete insights, and a reader will get value from reading that one article. But it’s written in a way that it entices the reader to want to read more, which is why purposeful content is actually a purposeful content cluster

In this cluster, each piece neatly leads to the next, creating a rich, dynamic web of related content that can be spread across different channels, meaning that someone can land on an instagram post, or a YouTube video, where they’re learn something and are also encouraged to dive deeper into the topic by going to a blog post, for example. 

And what’s so powerful with this strategy is that it respects how we naturally explore and learn, while still being funneled through the buyer’s journey:  

Starting Points (Becoming aware/Top of Funnel): This is where the journey often begins. Broad topics and overviews are presented, sparking curiosity. Whether you come across a YouTube video titled “The Basics of Purposeful Content” or a blog post about “Introverted Strengths in Content Creation”, these pieces act as gateways, inviting readers into the world of purposeful content.

Diving Deeper (Interest/Middle of Funnel): Once you’ve stepped in, you’ll find richer, more detailed pieces. Imagine reading up on “How Intention Shapes Reader Engagement” or watching a tutorial on “Crafting Content for Deeper Connection”. It’s here that the real magic starts to happen, pulling you further into the topic.

Going All-In (Decision/Bottom of Funnel): At this stage, you’re not just a curious visitor; you’re all in. You might sign up to a workshop about implementing purposeful content strategies or read up on case studies showcasing real-world successes.

So although it’s a funnel, it appears more like a “Rabbit Hole” than a linear path.  

It allows the reader the freedom to meander, and jump around, while still being carefully nudged, enticed, and guided in the direction you want them to go. 

In Wrapping Things Up…

And that is Purposeful Content Creation in a nutshell. 

If you’ve felt a connection with what you’ve read, if this has sparked even a small ember of inspiration in you, then that’s purposeful content in action. 

I’d love for you to comment below what thoughts you have on what you just read. 

Until next time,

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